Litter H

On 12 - 13th of January eleven puppies were born.

Is that a five males and six females (as well as last cast :- ) ), all are standard!!

Obstetric weight puppies was 580 - 650 g!!!

Puppies so for the first time in of my breeder station will train not only mummy and grandmother, but also papa!!


boy green
boy blue
boy black and white
boy black
boy beige

boy green
boy blue
boy black and white
boy black

boy beige

girl pink
girl blue
girl ochre
girl white

girl pink
girl blue
girl ochre
girl white

girl red
girl orange

girl red
girl orange

is to as 4 week...
is to as 5 week...
boy black and white
girl pink

is to as 26 day...
girl pink
blue boy
girl red

is to as 26 day...
girl blue
boy green
girl white
boy black

is to as 26 day...
dey are fine sleeping..
in survey...

So puppies to us pretty growth and be getting started play. Already them growed up little tooth and they are trying to,
whither of all puts bite.

is to as 20 day...

is to as 20 day...

is to as 20 day...

is to as 16 day...

is to as 16 day...

14 day after birth. Already have all open eyes and also ate first time meat. Much them tasted.
Down in table are weighted incrementa behind second week.

is to as 14 day...

10 day after birth. Puppies fine growth, males scales around 1 kg, females have around 900 g.
Some be getting started after - open eye, is building on pettitoes and already do 2 - 3 short step than fall!!
Down in table are weighted incrementa behind first week.

puppies test walk, 10 day after birth...

is to as 10 day...

is to as 10 day...

is to as 5 day...

is to as 5 day...

after birth....


boy green boy blue boy black and white boy black
weight after birth: 650 g weight after birth: 590 g weight after birth: 590 g weight after birth: 620 g
weight in 1 week: 1.050 g weight in 1 week: 1.030 g weight in 1 week: 1.130 g weight in 1 week: 1.160 g
weight in 2 week: 1.480 g weight in 2 week: 1.600 g weight in 2 week: 1.700 g weight in 2 week: 1.666 g
time birth: 22.21 h time birth: 23.32 h time birth: 0.45 h time birth: 2.05 h

boy beige
weight after birth: 620 g
weight in 1 week: 1.130 g
weight in 2 week: 1.770 g
time birth: 4.00 h


girl pink girl blue girl ochre girl white
weight after birth: 600 g weight after birth: 630 g weight after birth: 580 g weight after birth: 630 g
weight in 1 week: 930 g weight in 1 week: 1.020 g weight in 1 week: 900 g weight in 1 week: 880 g
weight in 2 week: 1.450 g weight in 2 week: 1.420 g weight in 2 week: 1.436 g weight in 2 week: 1.300 g
time birth: 19.15 h time birth: 20.35 h time birth: 21.38 h time birth: 0.00 h

girl red girl orange
weight after birth: 600 g weight after birth: 590 g
weight in 1 week: 1.010 g weight in 1 week: 930 g
weight in 2 week: 1.620 g weight in 2 week: 1.520 g
time birth: 1.20 h time birth: 5.25 h